Many people are going for laser treatment in cities like Sydney and Adelaide these days, but there are still certain misconceptions about laser assisted therapy that continue to persist. This short piece of article is being written to debunk some of these myths so that any clouds of doubts or confusions you have regarding this therapy can be cleared.
When it comes to misperceptions about laser treatment one of the most common ones it that the higher the power of the laser device, the more effective will be the therapy. This is not true at all for the simple reason that power is not the only determining factor that decides the outcome of a laser based treatment. It is only one of the elements. There are other factors as well that need to be taken into consideration. These include frequency of the lasers, duty cycle, laser’s wave form and density of the energy among others. Therefore, it is the combination of all these parameters that decides how effective or ineffective the therapy would prove to be for you.
Another persisting myth about laser treatment is that LEDs and SLDs do not prove much effective when it comes to treating certain skin related problems or complications. What you probably need to understand is that lasers and SLDS have fundamental difference in the way they work or function. For instance, lasers are monochromatic in nature whereas SLDs output multiple band of wavelengths. Also, lasers are coherent in nature and are very much directional, thus making it easier for the specialists to focus it on a certain point for a considerable period of time. However, these fundamental differences in properties of SLDs and lasers do not make much of a difference as far as the outcome of the treatment is concerned.
One of the other common misconception about these treatments offered at clinics in Sydney I that only certain sets of wavelengths prove to be effective. This again is nothing but a huge misconception and it stems from the fact that people do not have enough knowledge about how laser based treatments actually work. The reality is that numerous studies have indicated that wavelength between 600nm and 900nm has been identified as pretty effective.
Many people also believe that frequency and duty cycle does not have much impact on the results, but that is not the case as these two are important and determining factors.
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