If there is one thing that has been able to revolutionize the field of skin care treatments and cosmetology, then it has to be dermal fillers. And this fact can easily be established by the sheer presence of such a huge number of fine lines and wrinkles removal products which are so easily available in the market these days. Walk down to any cosmetic store and you will find yourself surrounded with such products in no time. These wrinkles removal treatments have been labeled as a cosmetic device but they have also been brought in use for several other purposes which include both aesthetic and non aesthetic. However, FDA has given its approval only for wrinkle removal related treatments, and nothing else. While using such products, it becomes very important that the cosmetologists adopt safe practices so that their patients can get the best results without causing any adverse effects.
Before you understand how these fine lines and wrinkles treatment work, you should have a bit of understanding about how our skin ages. Contrary to the popular perception, the process of ageing is never uniform, i.e. all areas of the skin never age simultaneously. This is because of the reason that the subcutaneous fat located in the skin does not remain present as a single uniform layer. It is in fact compartmentalized. And each of these compartments age at a different pace in the very same person. Therefore, in order to treat fine lines and wrinkles, it becomes crucial that each of these compartments are treated individually rather than whole.
As far as the fillers available in a place like Sydney is concerned, they are as many as one can imagine. What is important for you is to understand the constituents, cross linking, nature and additives of these fillers. This will give you a good idea about how such products function when injected into the skin.
Dermal fillers are injected in a variety of ways into the skin. Therefore, there is no one specific way in which it is sent into the deeper layers of skin. One of the most employed and popular method of injecting such products is linear threading method. This can be either retrograde or antegrade. The cosmetologists who are new to this field of fine lines and wrinkles treatment in Sydney should start off with this method as they usually do not lead to any skin related complication as is the case with other methods.