Friday, 21 November 2014

Important Facts about IPL Treatment

If you are troubled with the problem of unwanted hair on your body and looking for more effective ways to get rid of them than shaving and waxing, then IPL treatment in Sydney is what you should place your bet on. However, before going for this treatment, it is important on your part to be clued up to some of the dos and don’ts of depilation. The very aim of this piece of article is to sort out some of the important facts from the fiction so that the process can be made a lot smoother for you. So go through them and make your choice accordingly.
•    You should never squeeze the so called in-grown hair: The best thing you can do is to exfoliate your skin, which in turn will allow the existing hair on your body to push through in a natural manner, rather than being coiled under the surface of the skin. In case you experience any sort of infection, then you must see a doctor.
•    One must never apply oil or any sort of moisturizer after waxing or using other types of epilators for the removal of hair. The reason behind it is that it leads to the blockage of pores, which in can turn can cause redness and skin irritation. Instead of using such cosmetic products, you can apply aloe vera as it proves to be an excellent option for soothing the skin after such a treatment.
•    You must also be aware of the fact that the results of IPL results may or may not be permanent. It depends a great deal on how hairy your body is. If you have thick crop of hair on your body, then you might not get results as per your expectations. However, if you just have a thin covering of light hair, then you will get great results from this hair removal treatment called IPL.
•    A common misconception among people is that a tan would not have any effect on IPL treatment. This is a myth because when there is increased pigment in skin, then any laser based treatment, including IPL can increase the chances of skin burn to a great extent. This is why it is important to get your skin condition diagnosed by an experienced dermatologist before taking an IPL session in Sydney.
•    Another fact that you should be aware of is the IPL is not very much suited for dark skinned people.

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